Jan Zahourek

Contrabass, Strings, Viola da Gamba, Viols

Jan was born in Denver and grew up in the USA in New York City and Amherst, Massachusetts . He then lived in Italy for five years before moving to London in 2005. He was already a professional double bass player when he was introduced to the violone and viola da gamba, this last an incredible instrument with a vast vast repertoire. Jan is a regular performer at Wigmore Hall. He plays regularly with Solomon’s Knot, La Serenissima, Le Cercle de l’Harmonie. He has played with English Concert, Hanover Band, Arculo Consort, Brook St Band, Consone Quartet, Dunedin Consort, The Rautio Piano Trio, and OAE. Jan feels very fortunate to have this life, and to be able to work and help create beauty in the world in this way with his friends and colleagues.

Read his interview with Continuo Connect here.


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