Ex Cathedra
Bach Mass in B Minor

Running time is approx. 2 hours, 10 minutes including interval.
EX CATHEDRA Choir & Baroque Orchestra
Jeffrey Skidmore - conductor
Margaret Lingas, Imogen Russell, Katie Trethewey, Clover Willis - soprano
Martha McLorinan, Elena Stamp - alto
Daniel Marles - tenor
Thomas Lowen, Lawrence White - bass
Sun, 1 December 2024
Town Hall, Birmingham
£15 - £46, up to 17 & students £5, age 18-30 £15
Full Event Details
“A small product of the skill I have attained in Musique” wrote Bach as he sent two of the movements to the court of Dresden. That’s quite the job application, and rather an understatement! The movements were composed across 25 years and the Mass only assembled into its final form shortly before Bach’s death, so he never heard a complete performance. But what an epic work it is, showcasing supreme mastery and a profound beauty that resonates deeply within us.
Running time is approx. 2 hours, 10 minutes including interval.
EX CATHEDRA Choir & Baroque Orchestra
Jeffrey Skidmore - conductor
Margaret Lingas, Imogen Russell, Katie Trethewey, Clover Willis - soprano
Martha McLorinan, Elena Stamp - alto
Daniel Marles - tenor
Thomas Lowen, Lawrence White - bass
Venue Details & Map
Town Hall, Birmingham
Town Hall, Victoria Square, Birmingham B3 3DQ