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Fiori Musicali

Vivaldi at St Botolph's

Marking Whitsunday, Fiori’s woodwind players perform Vivaldi in the tiny, picturesque village church at Slapton.

Annabel Knight (recorder/flute), Sarah Humphrys (oboe), Sally Holman (bassoon)
Vivaldi at St Botolph's

Whitsunday 2024 'And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting...' Acts 2:2

To mark Whitsunday, some of Fiori’s favourite woodwind players perform in the tiny, picturesque village church at Slapton. Famous for its late medieval wall paintings, this delightful venue with Jacobean wood panelling resounds with virtuoso music by Vivaldi, Couperin, Telemann and their contemporaries.

Vivaldi Lund' Trio in G minor
Couperin Concerts royaux no.1 in G
Telemann Trio Sonata for flute & oboe in E minor from Tafelmusick II
Vivaldi Recorder sonata in G RV806
Heinichen Sonata for oboe & bassoon in C minor
Vivaldi Concerto in G minor RV103

  • festival Fiori Musicali Summer Series
  • date Sun 19 May 2024
  • location St Botolph's, Slapton
  • time 6:00pm
  • ticket £6 - £25 (conc. - children, students, blue badge)

St Botolph's, Slapton
Chapel Lane, Towcester, NN12 8PF, United Kingdom

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